Aron Ralston was the closing speaker most of you know him as the man who cut his arms off. But I came to understand something much more deeper then that about this man, when he told his story of how he found out where his priorities should be. Aron also taught me that no matter how much Social Networking and computers try to take over are life's it is the simple things that make the difference.
The comment that toughed me the most from Arons experience was ..." I left something there that night but I stepped out of the cave and into MY LIFE"
What is the most important things in our lives ?!?! ... our families and friends, along with the relationships we make along the way. I went right home and called my two wonderful kids along with my great daughter in law just to tell them how much I loved them.
In the moments of life we never know when we will be called home and how important it is to let those that are the closest to you know just how much they mean to us and how they have formed us into the person we are today. There was one person who never gave up on Aron....that was his mother. She formed the largest search party and did not even know what state Aron was in.
One lesson I will never forget as tear ran down my face when the helicopter landed with his mother greeting him after 5 days of being by along, and where he learned what really matter most.
YOUR FAMILY!!! Special thanks to my wonderfully family you have truly made me who I am today.
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