- Stay alert.
- Keep your mind on your surroundings, who’s in front of you and who’s behind you. Don’t get distracted.
- Walk purposefully, stand tall, and make eye contact with people around you.
- If you feel uncomfortable, leave.
- Personal Protection
- Make yourself a "tough target."
- Don’t think that it can’t happen to you.
- Should you resist? Every situation is different.
- Always be aware of your surroundings.
- If being followed call 911 or drive to a police station
- Good locks, simple precautions, neighborhood awareness, and common sense can help prevent most property crimes.
- Install and use good deadbolt locks in your doors (half burglars enter through unlocked doors and windows).
- Secure sliding glass doors with locks or a rigid wooden dowel wedged in the track.
- Lock double-hung windows by sliding a bolt or nail into a hole drilled at a downward angle through the top of each sash and into the frame.
- Trim back shrubbery hiding doors or windows. Cut back tree limbs that could help a thief climb to the second story.
- Make sure all porches, entrances, and yards are well lit.
- Maintain the neighborhood. Dark alleys, litter, and rundown areas attract criminals.
- Do not hide house keys in mail boxes, planters, under doormats or in other easy to find places.
- Do not put personal identification on key rings.
- Leave only your ignition key with mechanics or parking attendants, keeping other keys safe.
- Install a peephole or viewer in all entry doors so you can see who is outside without opening the door.
- Do not trust door chains. They can be easily broken.
- Don’t open the door to strangers. Insist service personnel verify their identity before letting them in.
- Don’t give any information to "wrong number" callers.
- Check references of any person calling about a survey or credit check before offering information.
- Hang up immediately on threatening or harassing calls.
- Make your home appear occupied when you go out
For more information http://www.roadandtravel.com/travelsafety/holidaycrime.htm