10 states with the biggest houses
Realtor.com: More than half of states with largest median home size are in West
By Inman News, Thursday, October 27, 2011.http://www.shutterstock.com/gallery-51098p1.html">Robert Kyllo/Shutterstock" width="225" />Robert Kyllo/Shutterstock
Six of the 10 states with the biggest homes are in the West, based on the median square footage of homes for sale on Realtor.com in September.
Realtor.com reported that the median size of homes for sale in Utah was the largest in the country that month, at 2,305 square feet. Utah was also the only state to post a median four bedrooms for the typical home; every other state posted a median three bedrooms. Washington, D.C., was the only area in the country where homes for sale at Realtor.com had a median two bedrooms.
The six Western states among the top 10 with the largest homes are: Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Washington. Three of the states are in the South: Texas, Georgia and Maryland. One Midwest state is on the top 10 list: South Dakota.
Median lot sizes among the 10 varied widely, from just under 10,000 square feet in Texas to a median 74,000 square feet per for-sale property in Montana.
Median prices also varied, from $165,000 in Georgia to $299,900 in Maryland, though both states had roughly the same median house size. The median price data reflects all for-sale property listings on Realtor.com, including land, single-family homes, condos and co-ops. (View the full list of median house sizes for all 50 states and Washington, D.C.)
State: Utah
Median house size (sq. ft.) 2,305 Median lot size (sq. ft.) 10,019 Median price $219,900 Median beds/baths 4/2.5
A large cabin in Hobble Creek Canyon, along the Wasatch Mountains. Mark Scott/Shutterstock
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With Utah leading the way!!!
The top ten list from Inman news and Realtor.com includes:
#1 - Utah - 2305 sqft
#2 - Colorado - 2126 sqft
#3 - Wyoming - 2052 sqft
#4 - Montana - 2040 sqft
#5 - Texas - 2031 sqft
#6 - South Dakota - 1984 sqft
#7 - Georgia - 1963 sqft
#8 - Idaho - 1932 sqft
#9 - Maryland - 1920 sqft
#10-Washington - 1903 sqft