School supplies are showing up on the shelves of stores everywhere reminding everyone that the final days of summer are edging closer.
With that in mind, it’s a good idea to evaluate your home to make sure you are organized and prepared for the approaching business that may soon impact your days. Even if you do not have children in school, shortened daylight hours and changing traffic patterns can affect your neighborhood and home life, giving you a reason to pause and consider changes you may want to incorporate now.
Home Improvement Projects
With extended daylight hours, now is the time to evaluate your home and complete any DIY projects you’ve been contemplating. Summer time schedules are a bit more open, typically, allowing you more freedom to work on your project AND recruit friends who may be available to help, too. Finishing projects up now will create more peace in your home throughout the rest of the year, including those busy first weeks of fall and keep you smiling through the holidays.
Conquering Home Calendars & Paper Chaos
With sales on school and office supplies, now is the time to make headway on your paper projects. Whether you need a new wall calendar or a dry erase board, or are looking for that special desktop accent to spark creativity in your home office, you can save time and money by shopping now while inventory is high and sale pricing is available. Perhaps with the additional daylight hours of summer, you can even spend some time scanning and/or discarding the papers piling up on your desk, too!
Regardless of the projects you embark on as you enjoy the lingering days of summer, mental preparedness is one of the keys to a good transition. If you have school-aged children, start coaching them now on sleep and eating patterns to ensure that your family is ready for the transition to a new schedule. But don’t go overboard.... After all, summer is not over yet!